LinGon released +9 trainer for the offroad racing game DiRT Showdown that can provide you with some useful cheat codes: super vehicle health, infinite boost, no opponent boost, weak opponents, increase money, decrease money, auto increase points, mega points, remove points, reset race timers.
Note: This cheat is for the Steam 1.0 version of the game DiRT Showdown.
Trainer Options
Home ~ Trainer Activation
F1 ~ Super Vehicle Health
F2 ~ Infinite Boost
F3 ~ No Opponent Boost
F4 ~ Weak Opponents
F5 ~ Increase Money
F6 ~ Decrease Money
F7 ~ Auto Increase Points
F8 ~ Mega Points
F9 ~ Remove Points
F10 ~ Reset Race Timers
Additional Notes:
F1 – This will keep your vehicle in one piece.
F2 – This will set your boost to max all the time.
F3 – Removes every opponents boost abillity.
F4 – Lets you take out opponent vehicles in one hit, if any opponent gets hit or damaged in any way, they will get wrecked instantly.
F5 – Lets you increase your current amount of money earned. It may need to toggle back and forth from a race menu to another or it will update after a race is completed. Each press increase money by $10000.
F6 – Lets you decrease your current amount of money earned. Each press decrease money by 10000.
F7 – While this is on, it will keep increasing your points continuously while you race in such events where points are available.
F8 – This will let you set a hughe amount of points.
F9 – Remove your current earned points.
F10 – Resets the race timer in certain race events.
Attention: trainer is detected as viruses, that is Hack, ok ? if you trust-download, if no-no download